Way Fresh talks football with none other than Tony Blair

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

It was just another usual day in the Way Fresh office. Did some development on Jennings, created some new designs for Metro Radio Arena, met Tony Blair and put him through his paces at a football coaching session!

Yep that's right, yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting the ex PM himself and showing him the kind of things we do at Cramlington United Football Club (CUFC). CUFC, which I coach the U8 and U10 teams, are partnering up with the Tony Blair Sports Foundation and the man himself came down himself to check out the kind of things we did before providing a lovely endorsement to the club.

As part of the day we put on a coaching session which Tony got involved in himself and this ended with him partnering one of the kids for a relay race of dribbling and turns. Tony showed great skill and aptitude, although it appeared that the other kids upped their game as he and his partner came second last out of 8!

All in all, a great day and a very friendly and down to earth chap.



By the way, that's me on the far right braving it with shorts on!